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winter preserving

February 9, 2011

We did a little experimenting with the dehydrator the other day. Lemons, bananas and frozen blueberries! Dried berries are more portable than frozen for snacks so I tried drying some frozen ones I had. They became very small but still delicious, they will make great sprinkles on something! As for the bananas, I heard there might be a shortage so I dried some so we could still have them if they became scarce. (Lukas has a lot of food intolerances and one of the fruits he can have is bananas) Usually I cut them into coins to dry (because that’s how we did it growing up when we dried bananas) but I tried sticks this time and I think they are a hit! Dried lemons seem like they’d be good if you want pure lemon in a soup and don’t have fresh. I am really looking forward to blackberry season this summer. I expect we’ll be drying lots of them for portable winter snacks!

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